by clipa | Feb 25, 2016 | About Clipa purse hanger
‘Dining out with a big group? Clipa is an easy and elegant way to keep your bag within reach and off the floor. Because it works in just a half inch of space and stays put, you’ll be able to enjoy your experience to the fullest. You’ll exactly know where your bag is: right next to you where you can see it. For other ideas on how to use the world’s most versatile purse hanger, please visit our “How It Works” page at 
by clipa | Oct 6, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

The change of seasons can bring fun fall parties, shopping…and wet weather. Is your handbag ready? If it’s on the ground it, can be stepped or hit by moving chairs and easily pick up germs, water or dirt. If it’s placed on the back of a chair, it can slide off, be bumped off or even taken. But when it’s hung with a Clipa purse hanger, it’s conveniently right next to you. And when you’re ready to go, it makes an audible “click” when sliding automatically back onto the bag strap. So whether you’re trying on shawls at a craft fair, picking apples or enjoying a cup of coffee, Clipa can make whatever you’re doing this fall more fun.
by clipa | Dec 27, 2013 | Press

LA-based Splash Magazines loves how versatile Clipa purse hangers are, especially when they’re used in the car: “clever auto close system: simply open and hang.” Keeps purses and grocery bags from spilling onto the floor when hung from the passenger seat headrest post. The instant handbag hook also works on the grab handles above the rear windows and the straps in taxicabs. To read more, just click on the image.
by clipa | May 3, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
People have been known to hang purses, grocery bags even restaurant takeout from the passenger seat headrest using the Clipa hanger. Now, kids are finding it handy for the their most beloved traveling companions: balloons. When tied to a Clipa, balloons stay secure and out of the driver’s way. This multitasking handbag hook can also be used to keep bagged sports equipment or dry cleaning upright behind the seat. Discover more ways to use Clipa by clicking on the image