by clipa | Nov 10, 2011 | About Clipa purse hanger
A Kimberly-Clark study has found ATMs, mailbox handles, parking meters and gas station pumps are top breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and viruses because they are rarely cleaned. When company hygienists swabbed hundreds of surfaces in six U.S. cities, they found viruses, like ones that cause the common cold and flu, all over gas pumps. They also found bacteria that causes staph infections, which can be spread person to person. The best defense? Keep hand sanitizer or wipes in your car or wash your hands if possible. And if you’re using that gas station bathroom, a Clipa handbag hanger can be keep your purse off the floor in nearly a dozen places.

Many purse hooks can't work on rails or other fixtures like Clipa
by clipa | Oct 27, 2011 | Press
This month’s issue of Retail News, Canada’s premier giftware industry publication, featured “Jenna” from the Crystal Clipa Collection in its jewelry and fashion section: “hook a Swarovski crystal Clipa onto a bag or wrist for instant style — and substance. The purse hangers are purported to be the strongest on the market.”
by clipa | Oct 21, 2011 | Promotions and Giveaways
When Clipa reaches 2,000 “likes” on Facebook, we’ll give away $400 in prizes including this Laga handbag! Simply like our page on Facebook and you’ll be entered to win. One lucky winner will get the Laga handbag plus a “Chloe” Clipa! More than a dozen others will win a polished silver purse hanger while helping to spread the word about Laga handbags.
On December 26, 2004, the Indonesian disaster killed over 285,000. Survivors were left jobless, homeless and devastated. Seven years later, many still are. Roy and Louise van Broekhuizen launched Laga Handbags to help the people of Indonesia rebuild their lives by selling their handbags. Roy & Louise do not take a salary. Their goal is simply to end the suffering; to help the survivors rebuild the many lives torn apart by the tsunami. In Aceh, Indonesia, Laga Handbags is a haven of hope, peace and refuge for the victims of disaster who are slowly rebuilding their homes and their lives – one handmade handbag at a time.
by clipa | Oct 17, 2011 | About Clipa purse hanger
Every once in awhile, we’ll be washing our hands in a public restroom and see it: a woman trying to keep her handbag from sliding off her shoulder while washing up. Trying to pump soap, preventing the water from shutting off automatically and keeping a purse from falling into a wet sink can be delicate balancing act. And if she’s helping children wash their hands or toting shopping bags, it’s even harder. Requiring just a quarter inch of hang space, Clipa actually works on dispensers like this (and many other ones) in most restrooms. Most purse hangers need much more surface area to hang a handbag this way but Clipa does the job instantly. And because it’s designed for easy, one handed operation from your bag strap, the instant handbag hanger is super fast to use, too. You’ll be on your way faster than you can say “where did I park the car?” To see why washing thoroughly is critical, check out this week’s report about contaminated cell phones by clicking on the image above.
by clipa | Oct 14, 2011 | Press
This week, “How to be a germaphobe” revealed tips for keeping handbags cleaner including: machine washable bags, wiping down or sanitizing bags that can’t go in the machine, and using a Clipa to keep bags off the ground and away from germs: “I went to my son’s soccer game last night and hung my purse on the back of my chair instead of setting it on the ground.” You can read the whole article by clicking on the image above. If you are (of know of) a germaphobe, this clever purse hanger from Topcor could be the perfect gift!