by clipa | Jul 27, 2017 | About Clipa purse hanger

‘Sightseeing this summer? Clipa works where most other hooks simply can’t, such as tour bus rails. Enjoy those great views from the upper deck while your purse is by your side, upright and away from feet and floors. The instant handbag hanger also works on rails while waiting in line near monuments, while on tour so you can snap photos, and on tables where a traditional purse hook won’t work such as the one shown here. Ferries, shopping and outdoor events are other places you can use the #1 bracelet bag hanger while on vacation. Customer top rated for 8 years; read some of our thousands of reviews by clicking on the image or visiting
by clipa | Oct 10, 2016 | anecdote

October 10th is National Handbag Day and at Clipa, that means celebrating our favorite accessory with a little TLC. Whether you have a large, roomy tote or a tiny crossbody, purses can be kept in tip top shape with these ideas:
If it’s been awhile since you’ve cleaned out the interior, take a towel, lay it on a dresser or bed, and remove the contents of your bag. If you have a mini vac for your keyboard or a handheld vacum and the bag’s interior is sturdy, vacum up tiny grains of sand or lint. Alternatively, a piece of packing tape can be used. If your bag has a soft, thin interior, such as satin, forgo the vacuuming and simply turn the bag over to remove any fine particles in the bag’s seams. Vinyl, cotton and canvas bags can be lightly sprayed with an unscented disinfectant, such as Lysol, to remove bacteria and viruses. The exterior of patent leather, pleather and nylon bags can be wiped down with a baby wipe or clean, soft cotton rag. If you have a suede or fine leather bag, a leather care expert at a shoe repair shop has products to clean and protect leather bags to extend the life of the bag.
Before placing items back in your bag, ask yourself if you really use everything you’re carrying around. As a general rule, any makeup older than 24 months (mascara and eyeliner, 3 months and nail color, 1 year) should be replaced. Some items may be better left in your car, gym bag, work, or home. Perhaps duplicates or travel sized versions can be purchased and left in these places instead of carried everywhere.
Finally, check your Clipa purse hanger. It has been tested to last for 10 years of daily use without tarnishing. It should be in great working condition, ready to keep your bag off the ground and away from germs, water, dirt and worse. If not, give us a call at 1-888-804-0661 or email Because while today is National Handbag Day, for some of us, it’s every day of the year! To see how Clipa coordinates with your handbag’s hardware, click on the image above.
by clipa | Aug 30, 2016 | About Clipa purse hanger

Tables with raised edges can be impossible to hang an old fashioned purse hanger on. That’s because these L-shaped purse hooks have a flat disk (or other shape) on one end that only works on a flat surface. Of course, the world is not flat. One of the great things about Clipa is how versatile it is. Clipa works on edgeless tabletops and counters but, unlike so many other handbag hangers, it will also hang bags from spa, bar, resort, golf and other activity tables with raised lips and decorative edges. And it will do so in the smallest of imaginable space, requiring just a half an inch of space.
by clipa | Jan 6, 2015 | About Clipa purse hanger
We recently discovered a public bathroom stall with an interesting metal addition. Rather than replace the missing purse hook hardware on the back of the stall door, they actually replaced it with a plate! It took the same number of screws and labor to cover it that it would have taken to put another one up. Instead, women now have no place to hang their purses and shopping bags. Imagine how frustrating that is. Or how many times that stall is left in favor of another, all because a simple little convenience is missing.
Women make up half of the population, live longer, and frequent dining establishments in huge numbers. We visit museums more often than men, make up a larger portion of the audience at live performances such as the symphony and do most of the shopping. Yet in place after place, we’ve seen either no purse hook, a missing hook or in this case, a plate where a hook ought to be. A substantial number of bars and after-hours night spots also lack purse hooks under the bar. In these cases, women are literally left “holding the bag.”
Until there is a greater awareness on the part of the managers and owners of these organizations, we’ll be using Clipa handbag hangers. They’re sturdy, reliable and unlike vanishing hooks, they’re here to stay.
How ’bout you? Have you ever notified management about the need for hooks in their restrooms?

by clipa | Aug 14, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

Clipa is unique among handbag hangers for many reasons but one of its underappreciated strengths is arm design. Because each arm is angled, Clipa hangs extremely well, even on beveled tables like this one. Beveled edges are found in conference rooms, bars and some restaurants. Each patented Clipa hook also has non-slip pad on each end. We don’t use ugly black foam that can leave marks on tablecloths or big rubber pads that can degrade over time. Instead, Clipa’s grip pads are clear and very durable so they’ll stand up to years of daily use. In fact, it is not uncommon for a Clipa to outlast the handbag it’s on. So whether Clipa is hanging your new fall bag from a counter with a beveled edge, a vertical bar, or a flat surface, America’s purse hanger won’t let you down.