by clipa | Nov 10, 2010 | Press
The Swarovski studded Crystal Clipas were featured today on ABC News in a “Good to Know” segment about top fashion accessories. Said guest style expert Pamela Pekerman:“it’s the new version of a purse hanger. It’s the hook that always stays on your bag and it holds up to 45 pounds. I love it and you don’t even notice, but you can double it as a bracelet.” Check it out: 
by clipa | Jun 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
Bangles continue to be a hot item: Kim Kardashian was on Regis yesterday with an armful. Bag expert and TV personality Pamela Pekerman covered Sex in the City 2’s fashion trend towards bold jewelry, too. Already a fashion staple, she says Kenneth Jay Lane and H&M “offer solutions at both price points.” But “For maximum fashion and financial do purchase two or three Clipas and wear them as bracelets – then use one on your bag.” Check it out:
by clipa | Apr 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
With Earth Day around the corner, Better TV did an eco friendly story today that included the Clipa instant handbag hanger. Clipa is made in the U.S., reducing the carbon footprint. Clipa also does a great job of keeping handbags–especially linen bags–off the ground and away from dirt, as bag expert Pamela Pekerman explains:

by clipa | Mar 19, 2010 | Celebrities, Press, Style site, TV and Radio Coverage

Watch Founder, HSN Bag Guru, AOL bag expert and TJ Maxx spokesperson Pamela Pekerman on Better TV about “Spring Cleaning for Handbags”. She led off saying that “handbags are our investment and you first and foremost absolutely want to keep them clean and free of germs”. Purse hangers are one of her favorite things and she showed a Clipa in action and concluded with “it doubles as a fabulous little bracelet” and “you definitely want to do a Clipa”. Pamela also talked about cleaning and saving expensive bags, keeping them organized with organizers and storage aids.