by clipa | Feb 28, 2020 | About Clipa purse hanger

National park trips, tropical cruises, eco tours and ski vacations are ideal for using the instant bag hanger. Here are some ideas: snapping photos, airport ticket and rental car counters, restaurants and apres ski bars, music venues and nightclubs, restrooms (the Clipa hangs bags in seconds on sinks, counters, glove baskets and shelves, doors missing a hook even seat cover dispensers), shopping (works great in dressing rooms) and sightseeing. ‘Have a particular question? Check out Frequently Asked Questions on our customer service page. Simply click on the image or visit
by clipa | May 21, 2018 | About Clipa purse hanger

1. If you travel frequently, sign up for TSA Pre-Check. It’s $85 for 5 years and will speed you through airports.
2. Pack a zippered pouch for in-flight essentials in case you need to stow your carry-on bag.
3. A soft-sided zip tote is easier to store under seats.
4. Make a list of versatile clothing that you can reuse. Choose items that don’t wrinkle much.
5. If you’re going on a longer trip, plan to wash your clothes on the road.
6. Rolling clothes (other than jeans) will save space in your bag.
7. Consider black or navy for bottoms and add color with scarves and accessories. Darker colors hide stains better.
8. Remove bottle bulk by putting supplements in snack-sized baggies. Pack 1 quart baggies (for wet, dirty clothing or opened items on the return trip) as well as earplugs, a sleep mask and headlamp.
9. If you returned from your last trip with unworn clothing, try to remove at least 3 pieces for shorter trips, more for international trips. Or take unwanted clothes and leave them at your destination. Make sure there is plenty of space to bring home souvenirs and gifts.
10. For hanging your backpack, handbag or other items almost anywhere anytime, a Clipa bag hanger makes the perfect travel companion. It holds up to 33 lbs., uses just a half an inch of space and weighs just 1.6 oz. To see all available models, simply click on the image.
by clipa | Mar 7, 2017 | About Clipa purse hanger

‘Tired of flimsy, tipsy bag hooks that can barely hold a purse or that don’t open wide enough? When we set out to make the world’s best handbag hanger, we wanted it to work well, for a long time, in tons of places. That’s why the Clipa bag hanger opens more than 2.75″ inches. Thicker bar tops–even casino gaming tables where many other hooks simply won’t work–are no problem for the instant handbag hanger. Its patented circular design is so stable, it can actually hold more than one bag at a time, up to 33 lbs total. And Clipa’s been tested: you can use it day in and day out, for 10 years, without it ever tarnishing. By comparison, the finish of some other purse hooks can begin wearing off after just a few months. One single, well made accessory that does the job for just $15.99. To see all 6 models, including our bestselling matte hematite, simply click on the image.
by clipa | Oct 10, 2016 | anecdote

October 10th is National Handbag Day and at Clipa, that means celebrating our favorite accessory with a little TLC. Whether you have a large, roomy tote or a tiny crossbody, purses can be kept in tip top shape with these ideas:
If it’s been awhile since you’ve cleaned out the interior, take a towel, lay it on a dresser or bed, and remove the contents of your bag. If you have a mini vac for your keyboard or a handheld vacum and the bag’s interior is sturdy, vacum up tiny grains of sand or lint. Alternatively, a piece of packing tape can be used. If your bag has a soft, thin interior, such as satin, forgo the vacuuming and simply turn the bag over to remove any fine particles in the bag’s seams. Vinyl, cotton and canvas bags can be lightly sprayed with an unscented disinfectant, such as Lysol, to remove bacteria and viruses. The exterior of patent leather, pleather and nylon bags can be wiped down with a baby wipe or clean, soft cotton rag. If you have a suede or fine leather bag, a leather care expert at a shoe repair shop has products to clean and protect leather bags to extend the life of the bag.
Before placing items back in your bag, ask yourself if you really use everything you’re carrying around. As a general rule, any makeup older than 24 months (mascara and eyeliner, 3 months and nail color, 1 year) should be replaced. Some items may be better left in your car, gym bag, work, or home. Perhaps duplicates or travel sized versions can be purchased and left in these places instead of carried everywhere.
Finally, check your Clipa purse hanger. It has been tested to last for 10 years of daily use without tarnishing. It should be in great working condition, ready to keep your bag off the ground and away from germs, water, dirt and worse. If not, give us a call at 1-888-804-0661 or email Because while today is National Handbag Day, for some of us, it’s every day of the year! To see how Clipa coordinates with your handbag’s hardware, click on the image above.
by clipa | Apr 5, 2016 | About Clipa purse hanger

From Spring Break to Mother’s Day and all summer long, there are endless ways to use Clipa. The instant bag hanger is handy in changing rooms, at brunch and at the movies. With the weather warming up, it’s time to enjoy ball games, county fairs, playgrounds, pools, zoos, and amusement parks. Clipa snaps easily to a backpack loop or strap yet weighs just 1.6 ounces and works in seconds. ‘Need to tie a child’s shoelace? Just open one end and hang it on nearly any surface: a rail while standing in line or a ledge. Since Clipa hangs bags in just a half inch of space, it will work just about anywhere, giving shoulders a quick rest or holding shopping bags while you eat lunch. ‘Cruising the harbor? Unlike most other hangers, Clipa works great on boat posts and handrails on board so your bag will stay upright. To see more uses, please visit our “How it Works” page by clicking on the image above.