by clipa | Feb 7, 2011 | Promotions and Giveaways
On her bag or on her wrist, Clipa is the gift that gets used! Today and tomorrow (February 7th & 8th), take 15% off all Clipa purse hangers PLUS get free shipping on all phone orders! Just call 888-904-0661 to take advantage of this special offer! Sweeeeet!
by clipa | Jan 17, 2011 | anecdote
With flu season in full swing, keeping your handbag off the ground and away from germs has never been more important. A quick dab of hand sanitizer after getting into a cab helps; so does keeping your shopping bags and purse off of surfaces. The pull strap in cabs is handy for this. Simply open one end of the Clipa purse hanger and hang your bags from it. This keeps contents in place during sudden stops and prevents contact with the floor which is often wet. Happy travels!

Clipa is great in taxis
by clipa | Jan 6, 2011 | About Clipa purse hanger
Talented Berlin artist Mats Bergen created a series of beautiful illustrations featuring Clipa. Whether piled on a wrist or stylishly hanging from a bag, Clipa’s right at home in his imaginative fashion landscapes. Mat’s work includes Verace ready to wear, YSL and Max Mara’s winter collection. To see more of his incredible work, please visit 
Clipa on Bag by Mats Bergen
by clipa | Jan 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
Woman’s World magazine–on newsstands now–covers the Clipa purse hanger. The January 10th issue calls the clever bag hooks “stylishly bejeweled“: 
by clipa | Jan 2, 2011 | anecdote
It’s a new year and that can mean visits for annual physical exams, dental visits or doctor’s exams. Whether you’re getting a chiropractic adjustment or having your blood drawn, Clipa instantly works on counters, shelves, tables, chairs and other places. The Clipa purse hanger keeps your handbag off the floor and away from germs (important this time of year) so you don’t take them home with you. Here’s to your health in 2011!