by clipa | Jun 2, 2011 | anecdote
Camping season’s officially underway and as our fans know, Clipa can be very handy in the great outdoors. The instant handbag hanger’s wider opening means it can be used on those thick picnic tables. Hang your bag on ledges, edges, shelves and other places in campground bathrooms when brushing your teeth and washing your face. Clipa is also great for hiking and fishing and can hang from trees and chairs. If your campground has showers, the Clipa purse hanger is a lifesaver. Enjoy your Clipas, Happy Campers! 
by clipa | May 27, 2011 | About Clipa purse hanger
It’s still possible to buy quality handbags and accessories made in the USA. Clipa’s raw materials are sourced in the USA, manufactured here, assembled here and keep jobs here. But there’s also a bonus: it’s made to last. Clipa purse hangers last for 10 years of daily use 3-4 times a day. Because it lasts longer, won’t tarnish and never needs polishing, it’s a smart buy. See it and other Made in America products at
by clipa | May 18, 2011 | Promotions and Giveaways
Fashion Week is here and Clipa’s celebrating! Just tell us where you’ll be using Clipa this summer on our Facebook page and you’ll be entered to win our polished gold Savi purse hanger!
by clipa | May 16, 2011 | anecdote

Fitness Friend
‘Working out at the gym, pool or fitness studio? If you’re toting items to use during your session, Clipa can help. Use the instant bag hanger to keep gym or swim bags off of germy floors and wet pool decks. It works on both horizontal and vertical surfaces so you can use Clipa on rails, too.
by clipa | May 4, 2011 | anecdote

This round's on us: here's to Clipa
From time to time, we see a thick bar top and wonder if Clipa will work on it. Usually, it does. Even this super thick bamboo bar was no match for Clipa. It held the handbag perfectly as usual. So well, in fact, that several bargoers asked where they could buy their own!