by clipa | Aug 9, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
Clipa’s website is now mobile friendly. If you’re viewing our site on a phone or other mobile device, the mobile version will automatically come up; when you’re on a desktop, the full sized version will appear. You can go back and forth between them simply by clicking the button on the bottom right of our home page that says “View Mobile.” Connecting with the world’s strongest purse hanger has never been easier; simply click on the image.
by clipa | Aug 1, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
Sometimes, a little arm candy can take an outfit to another level. Stacked bracelets, crystal bangles, charm bracelets and simple silver or gold bands can all be mixed with silver or gold Clipas for a one-of-a-kind look. Sleek, smooth and round, Clipa can also be layered together (pictured) or alone on wrists. The world’s most versatile purse hanger is also fun jewelry and a great conversation piece at your next get-together.
by clipa | Jul 22, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger

Summer is a season for going outdoors: backyard barbeques, parties, batting cages, amusement parks, zoos, concerts, and other venues are summertime favorites. Whether you’re going to a baseball game or camping, if you’re bringing a backpack or bag, a Clipa purse hanger is a convenient way to keep essentials handy and off the ground. Going on a road trip? Clipa is great for rest stops and gas station pit stops. ‘Taking a parking lot tram back to your car? Give your back a rest and hang it from the bench in front of you. ‘Snapping pics of the kids on a trampoline? Hang your bag on the outside and catch all the action without your bag sliding off your shoulders. You can see lots of other ideas by clicking on the image and watching our 2-minute video.
by clipa | Jun 27, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
Summer often means girls night out, lunch at cafes, movies, shopping, and of course, pedicures. Thanks to its circular shape and clever design, Clipa works at all those places and big salon chairs–including Mystique–often found in nail salons. You can use the world’s most versatile purse hanger in the waiting area before your appointment then slip it on the side table during your pedicure. Afterwards, use it when you’re out and about to keep your bag looking great and protected from germs, water and dirt. See more uses by clicking on the image.
by clipa | Jun 14, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
For commencement ceremonies and weddings, nothing beats Clipa: a thoughtful gift they’ll use for years. High school grads can use Clipa over the summer at the movies and sporting events then clip it to a backpack when they start school in the fall. College grads can use it at their new jobs, at lunch and when traveling. For brides, Clipa makes a great gift for the bridal party and new in laws. During the ceremony, it can be used on the pews at many houses of worship then later at the reception. ‘Carrying a clutch or wristlet? Many have straps so they can be hung from a Clipa purse hanger in a changing area, on a bathroom stall, bar, chair or table. It’ll keep that clutch clean (many are made of silk) and off the table, so you’ll have room for that slice of cake!