by clipa | Aug 1, 2013 | About Clipa purse hanger
Sometimes, a little arm candy can take an outfit to another level. Stacked bracelets, crystal bangles, charm bracelets and simple silver or gold bands can all be mixed with silver or gold Clipas for a one-of-a-kind look. Sleek, smooth and round, Clipa can also be layered together (pictured) or alone on wrists. The world’s most versatile purse hanger is also fun jewelry and a great conversation piece at your next get-together.
by clipa | Dec 6, 2012 | About Clipa purse hanger

Bling it On!
We all know her: that fabulously stylish woman with darling dresses and accessories. Often wearing beautiful boots this time of year, she’s the one with the perfect handbag and interesting arm candy. Twice this week, we’ve come across women who’ve added a bit more bling with Clipa purse hangers. For Candace of Rancho Palos Verdes and Stacy of Belmont Shore, California, Clipa is a “go to” piece. The Jenna Crystal Clipa looks right at home among Candace’s black and silver bangles. Her friend Stacy won’t go anywhere without her silver bangles, pearls, hammered cuff, charm bracelets and Chloe Clipa. Be merry, be bright!