Hitting the Books with Clipa

Sometimes when you’re shopping, carrying your purse and bags can really weigh you down. If you’re in a bookstore, it can be even harder: bending down and straightening up as you go through the shelves while balancing books, bags and more. Let the Clipa bag hanger takes the weight off of your shoulders while you shop: simply open one end and hang your bag on the shelf directly in front of you. You’ll be able to keep an eye on your purse while browsing. When finished, just pull the strap and Clipa slides back onto the bag automatically. The “can’t lose” purse hook also comes in handy in bookstore restrooms, snack areas, reading nooks, even at the checkout counter. So next time you’re browsing the bookstore, remember: think outside the bag.

The Sugar Tree Calls Again

The call came from Gene, “They’re ready, I just picked a hundred and there are at least 500 more”. I thought about the work ahead. It was early this year, mid November. Usually they weren’t ready til December. I like picking them but slicing and drying is a lot of work and messy if they are really ripe. Everyone loves the sweet orange chips. Andys Hachiya persimmon tree is huge, 40ft tall and loaded with orange sugar balls. Climbing the tree with a canvas bag in one hand and a Clipa in my pocket, I was ready this year. I had both hands free to pick and hang onto limbs since the Clipa was hanging the bag from a branch. My handy bag hanger made it easy to pick and gently collect the jelly fruit.

The Sugar Tree

The Sugar Tree

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