by clipa | Oct 6, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

The change of seasons can bring fun fall parties, shopping…and wet weather. Is your handbag ready? If it’s on the ground it, can be stepped or hit by moving chairs and easily pick up germs, water or dirt. If it’s placed on the back of a chair, it can slide off, be bumped off or even taken. But when it’s hung with a Clipa purse hanger, it’s conveniently right next to you. And when you’re ready to go, it makes an audible “click” when sliding automatically back onto the bag strap. So whether you’re trying on shawls at a craft fair, picking apples or enjoying a cup of coffee, Clipa can make whatever you’re doing this fall more fun.
by clipa | Sep 6, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

Here are 7 ways the instant bag hanger can come in handy at college:
1. Hang totes, backpacks and purses from desks, lab tables or work surfaces
2. Use in auditorium during lectures
3. Hang bags from library cubicles, cubbies or shelves
4. Useful in the gym, handrails or bleachers during practices and games
5. Handy during lunches and bathroom breaks
6. Off-campus, hang grocery bags on carts and passenger seat headrests
7. At the bank, hang your bag while filling out deposit slips
For more great ideas, please visit under “how it works” or click on the photo above.
by clipa | Aug 14, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

Clipa is unique among handbag hangers for many reasons but one of its underappreciated strengths is arm design. Because each arm is angled, Clipa hangs extremely well, even on beveled tables like this one. Beveled edges are found in conference rooms, bars and some restaurants. Each patented Clipa hook also has non-slip pad on each end. We don’t use ugly black foam that can leave marks on tablecloths or big rubber pads that can degrade over time. Instead, Clipa’s grip pads are clear and very durable so they’ll stand up to years of daily use. In fact, it is not uncommon for a Clipa to outlast the handbag it’s on. So whether Clipa is hanging your new fall bag from a counter with a beveled edge, a vertical bar, or a flat surface, America’s purse hanger won’t let you down.
by clipa | Jun 23, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

‘Summer travel plans? Here are 7 ways Clipa makes travel more convenient while reducing contact with germs:
1. Use purse hanger in the airplane lavatory – hangs cosmetic travel bags with loops and purses from vertical and horizontal rails (works on the facial tissue dispenser too)
2. Hangs light items from the seatback pocket or tray table, making them easier to get to while in flight
3. In the terminal, works in the airport restrooms, bar tables and lounge areas, restaurants and WI FI stations
4. Works on the baggage travel cart: hangs purses, backpacks and business bags from the handlebar
5. Hangs handbags from the car rental counter while filling out paperwork
6. Open and hang backpacks on divider wall in workstation areas and travel kiosks
7. Use on rental car passenger seat headrest to keep the bag from spilling onto the floor when you hit the brakes
For more uses, watch our 2 minute video at or click on the image above
by clipa | Jun 2, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

There are just some places where a Clipa is indispensable. America’s handbag superhero goes beyond restrooms and restaurants to keep your purse off the floor and away from germs, water, dirt and thieves in tons of situations. Here are just a few:
Stargazing at the planetarium
Girl’s Weekend / Girl’s Night Out / Bachelorette Party
Hiking: hang water hydration pack on a break
Hold pool tote near swimming pools, Jacuzzis and saunas
Use at movie theaters, outdoor concerts and plays
Wedding ceremonies and receptions
Hold purse or diaper bag at baby/toddler play centers
Hang backpack during summer school classes
Visiting national landmarks and museums
Game night at the rec center
Hold book bag at the library
Hang purse at the local coffee house
Use when trying on clothes and shoes
At the county fair
At baseball games, track meets and tennis courts
Sightseeing in any corner of the world
by clipa | Apr 25, 2014 | About Clipa purse hanger

It’s spring break and for many families, that means playing in pools and visiting amusement parks. Clipa can be used on the vertical and horizontal bars in airplane lavatories as well as airport travel carts and rolling cases. Poolside, it can hang your tote from lounge chair backs or bar countertops. In the park, Clipa can give achy shoulders a break from your backpack at café tables or while standing in line. Its circular design works great on rails, tram poles even carousels. Just 2 ounces, Clipa will come in handy in restrooms, wet water areas, snack stands, the registers, strollers and more. For muggles visiting The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Clipa bag hangers magically make the day easier.