Is anyone in your family is back at school or in college this fall? The Clipa handbag hanger is great for backpacks and electronics because it keeps them off the ground and away from germs, water, dirt and worse. The unique circular design works on bathroom stall walls and doors missing a hook, between auditorium or stadium seats, at lunch tables, on lab counters, and classroom desks. It can hang umbrellas and coats from workstations on rainy days and on sunny days, a Clipa can hang totes from rails at sporting events. Useful at movie theaters, study hall, and libraries too. 7 finishes, all tested to last for 10 years of daily use without tarnishing. Because the Clipa is so durable, this is one gift they’ll use at their first job, too. $15.99 MSRP. See them all now by clicking on the image or visit us at