Clipa Featured on Better TV Today: Eco Friendly Bags & Accessories

With Earth Day around the corner, Better TV did an eco friendly story today that included the Clipa instant handbag hanger. Clipa is made in the U.S., reducing the carbon footprint. Clipa also does a great job of keeping handbags–especially linen bags–off the ground and away from dirt, as bag expert Pamela Pekerman explains:


Clipa Purse Hanger Very Handy Apres Ski

This was ski week for many families and for some, it was the ultimate ski week: the 2010 Olympic games in Vancouver. Apres ski, Clipa fit right in at resorts, lodges, restaurants, bathrooms, bars, even fireplaces, keeping bags handy but giving sore shoulders and backs a much-needed break. Check it out:


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