Catching a Cab? Don’t catch a cold!

With flu season in full swing, keeping your handbag off the ground and away from germs has never been more important. A quick dab of hand sanitizer after getting into a cab helps; so does keeping your shopping bags and purse off of surfaces. The pull strap in cabs is handy for this. Simply open one end of the Clipa purse hanger and hang your bags from it. This keeps contents in place during sudden stops and prevents contact with the floor which is often wet. Happy travels!

Clipa is great in taxis

Clipa is great in taxis

New Year, New Uses

It’s a new year and that can mean visits for annual physical exams, dental visits or doctor’s exams. Whether you’re getting a chiropractic adjustment or having your blood drawn, Clipa instantly works on counters, shelves, tables, chairs and other places. The Clipa purse hanger keeps your handbag off the floor and away from germs (important this time of year) so you don’t take them home with you. Here’s to your health in 2011!blooddrawn

Public Bathrooms: Scary But True

With Halloween over, one might think the scariest images are now history. Not so. We found a public bathroom in San Diego, California that was truly frightening. Among the trash strewn concrete floors, we found germy puddles of water and discarded concert flyers. What we didn’t find was a hook on the door. Normally, this would present a problem but not if you have a Clipa instant handbag hanger on your purse. We found half a dozen places to hang our bag in the stall–areas that could be a problem for any other purse hanger. We show four of them here: a rail, the door handle, a wall bracket, even the tissue dispenser easily held our handbag from the Clipa. Good thing, too: the only thing more terrifying than the stall was the sink. The Clipa purse hook worked like a charm there, too. clipa-bathroomblog1

Clipa Does Vegas!

We had a blast at the International Beauty Show This Weekend. Modern Salon recommended Clipa for all primping appointments. Keeps your purse off the floor during your haircut, color, mani or pedi!vegas

The Sugar Tree Calls Again

The call came from Gene, “They’re ready, I just picked a hundred and there are at least 500 more”. I thought about the work ahead. It was early this year, mid November. Usually they weren’t ready til December. I like picking them but slicing and drying is a lot of work and messy if they are really ripe. Everyone loves the sweet orange chips. Andys Hachiya persimmon tree is huge, 40ft tall and loaded with orange sugar balls. Climbing the tree with a canvas bag in one hand and a Clipa in my pocket, I was ready this year. I had both hands free to pick and hang onto limbs since the Clipa was hanging the bag from a branch. My handy bag hanger made it easy to pick and gently collect the jelly fruit.

The Sugar Tree

The Sugar Tree

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