by clipa | Feb 6, 2012 | anecdote
According to a study released by American Express and The Harrison Group, 65% of high-end shoppers now prefer to buy American. That’s good news for companies who make their products in the U.S. Brands like Tiffany & Co., whose jewelry is made in the U.S., and Topcor, where each Clipa is made in house in Irvine, CA. Worldwide, American made products are coveted for their high quality. Last week, a study by J.D. Power & Associates showed American loyalty to U.S. car manufacturers is rising. As Time Magazine noted in this week’s article, Is Made in America Back in Style? a preference for American made products seems to be returning.
by clipa | Dec 12, 2011 | anecdote

Clipa's handy at counters
Today is the busiest of the year for shipping giant FedEx. More than 17 million packages will be going via FedEx today and if you’re filling out forms, Clipa works on the counter at most post offices and mailing centers. If you’re mailing Clipas for the holidays, you’ll appreciate our slim, compact design and efficient packaging because it costs less to ship. And each Clipa weighs just 2 two ounces. It’s true: good things come in small packages!
by clipa | Aug 16, 2011 | anecdote
In today’s Los Angeles Times, an article appeared about the germs found in restaurant play lands. Chandler Arizona mother Erin Carr-Jordan has collected and sent samples from restaurant play areas in seven states to labs for testing. The results? Pathogens–including staphylococcus and streptococcus–were detected in many of the samples. Although more dangerous bacteria such as MRSA and listeria weren’t detected, they could be present. Since kids might need a boost up or a hand in a ball pit; how can you help them without giving those nasty germs a hand? The Clipa instant handbag hanger. This smart purse hook can hang purses from narrow spaces commonly found on play structures as well as fencing, rails and tables. Clipa keeps your handbag or backpack off surfaces and away from germs. Antibacterial wipes or pocket sized sprays are handy if you visit these areas often and before leaving, always wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. 
by clipa | Aug 5, 2011 | anecdote
Swim lessons, water polo matches and lap practice are the norm in many places this time of year. Wet pool decks, damp tables and chairs are common, too. Keep your handbag or pool tote in tip top shape and off the ground with Clipa. The instant handbag hanger is handy at the water’s edge as well as shower areas and changing rooms, where the floors can often be just as wet!

by clipa | Aug 1, 2011 | anecdote
Hematite is appearing on more and more handbags. This glossy gunmetal is popular because of its cool, understated appearance, lending a lux feel to bags. Often found on black leather purses, hematite fittings also blend in well with faux snake, moc croc, pebble and many other textured bags. Also blending in: “Maya”, the Clipa instant handbag hanger in hematite
by clipa | Jul 25, 2011 | anecdote
We love the pop culture phenom that is Comic-Con. For 130,000 attendees, it’s nerdvana. For Clipa, it’s just another day conquering germs in the universe. For the last 3 years heroes, superheroes, antiheroes and others have discovered Clipa, the strongest purse hanger on the planet made right here in Southern California.